Image Filtering and Hybrid Images

The goal of this project is to use low-pass and high-pass filters to process two images respectively and then combine them to get a hybrid image. Both grayscale image and color image are supported. Also, three padding methods are used: pad zero, pad replicate and pad symmetric. Besides, Fast Fourier Transform is used to accelerate the convolution.

Image Blending

This project is to use Laplacian Pyramid and Poisson method to blend an object from a source image into a target image respectively. Our goal is to create seamless blending. At last, we apply the Poisson Blending method to convert a color image into grayscale image.

Target ImageSource ImageMask
Laplacian PyramidMy ImplementationFurther Modification

Tone Mapping

This project is to use a bunch of LDR images under different exposures to recover the radiance map and then construct a HDR image. Different construction algorithms are implemented and compared.